
The Service on 14th July will be led by Rev Ewen Gilchrist.

Tuesday 9th July

Story Telling – Unders 5s (with a parent, carer or adult). 10.30 am – 11.00 am in the Worship Area.

Conversation Cafe – Rooms 1/2 10.00 am – 11.30 am.

Bible Study – 11.30 am in Room 3.

Henderson House – 2.30 pm. All welcome.

Badminton – Wednesday 10th July, starting later this week. 7.45 pm – 9.00 pm.

Messy Church – Sunday 14th July at 2.00 pm in Dalgety. Film and Ice Cream.

Soup & Pudding Lunch – Sunday 21st july. All donations will go to Cancer Research.

Thinking Aloud – Tuesday 23rd July at 7.30pm.  Pic ‘n Mix Bible
Do you believe every word in the Bible?  Have you adopted or ignored the rules and regulations in Leviticus and Numbers?  Can you be a Christian without believing in the six day creation, the Virgin Birth, miracles or the Resurrection?  Come and help me find the relevant bits of the Bible and work out what bits I can choose to leave alone.  Warm welcome, refreshments and lots of chat at 6 Forth Reach.

We are looking for help on a Friday night to open and close and welcome the Ukranian Group. Please speak to Sue Strachan if you can help.

Christian Aid – Thank you for all who donated. A total sum of £4,315.20 has been raised.

Events within wider Forthview Parish Church

Tuesday Heritage Cafe – every Tuesday @ 1:30pm at Rosyth. All welcome.

Lego Club – Thursdays in the Summer.  12.00   pm to 2.00 pm at Inverkeithing. 

Dates for your diary
Andrea will run a drop in Conversation Café in Dalgety on Tue 9th July and Tue 13th Aug in Rooms 1/2, 10.00 am to 11.30am.  Please do note these in your diary and drop in .

Aberdour Flower Festival will be hosted at St Fillan’s as part of the Aberdour Festival.  The Festival runs from 26th July until 4th August and Festival Morning Worship will be at St Fillan’s on 28th July.

Calling all musicians?  Or anyone who would like to learn some new hymns.  Alistair & Andrea are hosting an afternoon to look at launching the new hymn book.  Sunday 4th August, 1.00 pm at Dalgety.  Bring a sandwich.  Tea and coffee provided.  All welcome.  A service to launch the new hymn book will happen at a later date.